imageWe are pleased to announce the 2015 Bigfoot CC Photo Competition.  Entry criteria is as follows:

  • The photo must have been taken by a member of Bigfoot’s Adult or Youth Cycle Clubs within the last 12 months and the photo must contain at least one club member wearing a club cycle shirt, club cap, club t-shirt or sweatshirt.


  • Has been taken by a club member at one of the 2015 Bigfoot CC hosted events such as the Open Hill Climb, Open TT, the club ride to Brighton or the BF10 TT’s

Please note that photos taken whilst the photographer is actually riding will NOT be eligible and the competition is not open to members of the club’s committee.

If you have any photos that you would like to enter, please email them to along with the following information:

  • Name of photographer.
  • Which club the entrant is a member of: Adult/Youth.
  • Approx date photo was taken.
  • A brief description of the photo.

Any photos posted by club members via Facebook, Twitter or Instagram using @bigfootCC or #bigfootcc tags or within the Bigfoot Facebook Group that also meet the above criteria will already be entered for consideration, so you don’t need to send those in.

You can send in as many photos as you like, with a maximum of one photo per entrant then being selected for possible entry onto the shortlist.

The closing date for entries is the 20th of November.  A shortlist of entries will then be announced on the 21st of November when voting via the club website will also open for 3 weeks. The winner and prizes will be announced at the Bigfoot CC Christmas Social on the 11th of December as part of the club’s Prize Presentations.

If you don’t have any photos to submit yet, you have a little under 3 weeks until the deadline on the 20th of November. so get busy with your smartphones.

Happy snapping and most importantly, stay safe!

Bigfoot Cycle Club Website Administrator.